Monday, January 11, 2021

Shop signs: why they are important, how to choose the ideal one and how taxes and duties work


The shop signs are the first advertisement with which a merchant can promote his business. Like real business cards, the signs have the task of highlighting the business in the eyes of potential customers. A shop with a winning brand will undoubtedly achieve excellent results.

What are shop signs ? Simply structures that indicate a business activity at a specific point of sale. The sign is what catalyses the potential customer's attention, it is the identity card of the business itself. For this reason, a winning brand must be recognizable. Regardless of the size or business it represents, the sign must be original and unique.

Most of the shop signs, to make themselves easily recognizable, are characterized by the presence of the company logo. The logo is what identifies the business. It is a sign characterized by its own graphics capable of making an activity recognizable: it gives the company a specific name and image. Starting from this assumption, it is not difficult to understand why a sign must necessarily contain the business logo!

An effective sign is able to make itself recognizable in a few seconds and in any situation. The gaze of potential customers is often distracted: the task of the sign is to attract attention to convince the consumer to enter the store. It is essential that the sign fully represents the message of the activity. To be distinguishable, in fact, a sign must be consistent with the shop window display and with the interior furnishings. In this way the store will be able to communicate a clear and defined image.

Let's find out how to choose the perfect sign for your business and when you can not pay to display it.

Shop sign: how much does it cost?

The activity of displaying signs for shops is, like all commercial activities, regulated by law. The sign of exercise is defined as the sign that has the function of indicating to the public the place where the economic activity is carried out" . In other words, the sign is a tool aimed exclusively at indicating to potential customers the physical location of the commercial activity. The sign is to all intents and purposes an advertising medium and, as such, is subject to taxation relating to the advertising activity.

Teach shop when not paying? Despite being part of the advertising tools, all the signs smaller than 5 square meters are not subject to any taxation. In other words, displaying a sign that does not exceed 5 square meters is free. The count of the surface occupied by the sign also includes empty spaces, brands and frames.

If the sign is larger than 5 square meters, the exhibition activity will be subject to the sign tax. The fee must be calculated based on the size of the sign and the place of display. In fact, it is the Municipality that takes care of the shop signs and the taxes vary from Municipality to Municipality. In addition, illuminated signs are often subject to tax increases.

If the taxation depends on the size of the sign, the approval procedure is the same for all signs (whether small or large). How does it work? It is necessary to develop a project, submit it to the relevant Municipality and await approval. To present the project to the Municipality, you must fill out a form and submit a specific authorization request. During the approval pending period, a temporary sign may be displayed for 90 days. The temporary sign must necessarily be different from the one presented in the project.

How to choose shop signs: the different types

There are many types of signs and choosing the perfect one for your business is not easy. In particular, the shop signs are divided into two macro-categories:

Illuminated signs

Illuminated signs for shops are those that have an internal lighting body. In other words, they do not need any external lighting system as they can be illuminated independently. The manufacturing cost of these signs is particularly high as it also includes the internal lighting system. Here are the most used types of illuminated signs:

Light boxes : they are one of the preferred solutions by merchants. The light boxes are signs made of aluminum with internal LED lighting, they are often posted at the entrances of shops on the street. They guarantee a maximum level of illumination both during the day and at night. They can be of any shape and are characterized by a large level of customization. They can be double-sided flag, perforated, shaped or with raised letters;

Luminous totems: totems are the classic vertical signs that are positioned outside the shops on the street. They are also particularly used for events and demonstrations. The totems are, like the bins, illuminated from the inside and guarantee an excellent level of visibility. They are undoubtedly the ideal choice for those who have ample space outside their shop;

Illuminated letters : Many shops opt for a sign made up of illuminated letters. The letters are made of aluminum, steel or plastic and contain neon or LED lighting that makes them visible at any time of day. Most businesses opt for this option by spelling the name of their shop;

Backlit signs : an elegant and economical solution that simply consists in lighting your sign from the back. These signs are used particularly in shopping centers where the available space is limited. Backlit signs are particularly common in the last period as they represent an elegant, design and inexpensive solution (the lighting system is always LED, therefore particularly economical).

Non-luminous signs

Non-illuminated signs are those that do not have an internal lighting system. Light remains a fundamental element to give visibility to the shop, consequently these signs are also often illuminated by external systems. Here are the most common types of non-illuminated signs:

Printed panels : these are undoubtedly the cheapest signs. They have no thickness as they are made simply with prints. They are often made with adhesive vinyl applied to a wall or with custom colored panels. They do not have their own lighting, but are often illuminated by external lighting systems.

3D signs : three-dimensional signs are the right compromise for those who do not want to spend significant amounts, but want to make themselves visible to the public. These signs are made with images or written in relief applied to a wall. The most used materials are plexiglas and polystyrene. The most common choice currently is undoubtedly polystyrene: with this material, particularly customizable and light signs are made.

Shop signs: 5 tips to choose the perfect one

Here are 5 useful tips for choosing the winning sign for your business:

Identify the target of your potential customers

To choose signs for winning stores it is essential to identify your potential customers. In this way it will be possible to create signs with styles and colors designed specifically to attract the attention of a specific target audience. It is essential that the sign fully reflects the style of the store and therefore of its customers.

Analyze the competition

Carrying out a careful analysis of your competitors' brands could be a particularly useful activity. In this way you can identify the styles and characteristics of competing stores trying to integrate them with your own. Analyzing the competition is especially useful for identifying all the distinctive features of your store. Highlighting the points of originality of your business is an essential activity to make it unique in the eyes of consumers.

Choose a simple and recognizable message

“Less is more” . This statement is particularly effective when it comes to choosing the perfect sign for your business. The shop sign must be clear and recognizable. It is essential to choose a simple, original and distinguishable message. Colors, shapes and fonts must be easily distinguishable. Starting from these assumptions, it is evident that the winning brands are often the less detailed ones. The ideal sign is made up of the colors of the shop, the logo and a recognizable and intuitive slogan!

Create harmony with the store decor

The sign on display must be consistent with the display window and the interior shop furnishings . Each activity is characterized by its own style and it is essential that the sign reflects it in an optimal way.

Consider the location of your store

To choose the perfect sign, it is essential to consider the area in which the store is physically located. To highlight a shop in a large square, LED signs or luminous totems could be the ideal choice. On the contrary, for a shop in a historic center, antique, small and designer signs would undoubtedly be more appropriate.

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